Saturday, 16 July 2011

English National Open Results

A sunny and fun filled day at Tandridge, England on the 9th of July led to tense toss off for the title of England Egg Throwing Champions. After many years of practice it all paid for some with record distances being acheived.

Ladies 30m
Juniors 31m
All-comers 53m Guy Bignell (left) catcher - and Nick Cooper (right) - thrower.

Next years event is on the 14th of July.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Wereldkampioen Eiwerpen wint ook Open NK in Makkum

Wereldkampioen Eiwerpen wint ook Open NK in Makkum

MAKKUM -- Wereldkampioen Eiwerpen Andries Smink heeft zijn status bevestigd door in Makkum ook Open Nederlands kampioen afstandwerpen te worden. Met zijn partner Chris Kooistra overbrugde hij een afstand van 45,60 meter en dat was voldoende om de internationale concurrentie achter zich te houden. Smink won onlangs in het Engelse Swaton samen met Willem Rienstra de wereldtitel tijdens de World Egg Throwing Championships.

Het Open NK Eiwerpen trok meer dan 150 deelnemers vier disciplines. De meesten zagen het als een serieuze aangelegenheid. Bierteams hadden weliswaar veel lol, maar het was duidelijk dat men zonder training niet erg hoog op de ranglijst zou komen. De uiteindelijke winnende afstand werd als Nederlands record bevestigd door zowel de Nederlandse Eiwerp Federatie (NEWF) als door de World Egg Throwing Federation (WETF). Het Russisch Ei Roulette werd een prooi voor de Engelsman Andrew Dunlop en het afstandwerpen bij de junioren ging naar Philip en Anton Schmuck uit Duitsland. Kooistra behaalde een tweede kampioenschap als aanvoerder van het team, dat de Eistafette won.

Makkum heeft erg positief gereageerd op de nieuwe loot aan de toeristische stam. “Een eerste rondje reacties leverde op, dat iedereen prettig verrast en meer dan lovend over de organisatie en de diversiteit van het evenement was. De horeca langs het Plein en op de Markt was tevreden over de belangstelling en de overlast is tot het minimum beperkt gebleven,” zegt Jetze Genee , de voorzitter van Us Stek. “We zien er zeker een basis in om volgend jaar nóg groter uit te pakken. Want ook de sponsors hebben nu gezien wat de waarde van zo’n evenement is.” Een ruwe schatting was, dat er meer dan duizend mensen gedurende de dag langs de kant stonden.

Het Open NK Eiwerpen werd georganiseerd door de vereniging Us Stek en de Stichting Open NK Eiwerpen onder auspiciën van de NEWF en de WETF. De vertegenwoordiging van de WETF was dermate onder de indruk van de opzet, dat secretaris Jacques Hoogenboom voor zijn inspanningen werd benoemd tot honorary member of the Legion, een hoge onderscheiding van de WETF. Nederland is het eerste officiële lid van de WETF. Engeland heeft inmiddels een aanvraag tot toetreding gedaan en nog dit jaar zullen naar alle waarschijnlijkheid ook de bonden in Peru, India, de Filippijnen, Japan en Egypte toetreden. Vanuit Nederland zullen de Europese activiteiten worden gecoördineerd.

De uitslagen:

Afstandwerpen senioren

1. Chris Kooistra en Andries Smink [Makkum] met 45,60 meter

2. Bram Elzinga en Hidde Elzinga [Makkum] met 40,10 meter

3. Romine jansen en Geeske Poortstra [Makkum] met 29,90 meter

Afstandwerpen jeugdklasse

1. Anton Schmuck en Philip Smuck [Duitsland] met 25 meter

2. Sanne Idsinga en Guus van Gulik [Makkum] met 22 meter

3. Tom Algra en Arjan Dolman [Makkum] met 21 meter

Russisch Ei roulette

1. Andrew Dunlop [Engeland]

2. Willem Hilt [Makkum]

3. Lando Lemstra [Makkum]

4. Esmie Pannekoek [Eindhoven]


1 Team Usstek olv Chris Kooistra met 5 hele eieren

2 Team Zwolle olv Mark de Jonge met 4 eieren in 40 seconden.

3 Team Zwolle olv Roy Pauw met 4 eieren in 44 seconden


Teams van het Marne College uit Bolsward voerden een onderlinge strijd uit.

Shock as England win Dutch National Open

Date line: Saturday 9th July
Location: Makkum, Independent Republic of Freisland, North Holland.
Event: The Dutch National Open Egg Throwing Championships.

The picturesque Dutch village of Makkum rang all day to the sound of laughter, gasps, cheers and music as the annual Dutch National Open Egg Throwing Championships took of the town square and high street. Commencing at 1100 and running through until 1700, the square finally emptied at around midnight as Holland's finest eggstreme sportsmen and women wound there way home or onto nightclubs to continue their celebrations.

The day began with light rain but, as promised by the organisers, this broke to become beautifully sunny and perfect weather. Tourists flocked into the event to experiance first hand the shock and awe of World Class Egg Throwing.

4 Events.

Egg Trebuchet. 10 machines of eggcellent design competed for the title. Some novel and eggciting variations were observed.

Throw and catch. In an effort to embrace equality and for the first time ever this was run as an all comers event for both male and female tossers. The female have now demanded inequality as despite valiant efforts they were unable to match the brawn and muscle power of the male competitors. In the under 16 group there was shock as the title went to a pair of young Germans.

Static relay. Using an exciting variation of the game, 6 player in a tennis court sized pitch toss to and fro over a vision barrier. This ensured that the yolk was on many of the receivers.

Russian Egg Roulette. A knockout for the Dutch spectators who watched in amazement as the English swept the board claiming use of a style of raki, derived from Feng Sheng, to correctly identify all raw from boiled eggs. The British Eggspert, Andy Dunlop of the World Egg Throwing Federation, defied all the odds and proved unstoppable whilst confidently selecting the correct eggs.

The event drew the largest ever crowds into Makkum, making it the most successful ever for participants, spectators and sponsors. It was declared to be a Rumdoodle

Notes for editors.
The Dutch Egg Throwing Federation is affiliated to the World Egg Throwing Federation.
Whilst catering for the aspirations for sport egg throwers to eggcel in their field the event also served the local community by raising thousands of euros for good causes.
More information including videos and stills are available from

For British spokesperson of the World Egg Throwing Federation See

Andy Dunlop
07900 26 78 70

Monday, 4 July 2011

English National Open Egg Throwing Championship at Tandridge

The English National Open Egg Throwing Championship
Approved by the
World Egg Throwing Federation
(incorporating the All England Egg Throwing Federation).

The English National Open Egg Throwing Championships
will take place on Saturday the 9th of July at the Tandridge Village Fete at the Glebe Field, Tandridge Lane, Tandridge, Surrey RH8 9NN

This event aims to place Tandridge, Surrey and greater London at the head of sport egg throwing and pave the way for the event to become fully recognised by Sport England. You can be part of it and gain the chance of guaranteed entry to the 2012 Word Egg Throwing Championships as England’s official representative.

The World Egg throwing Federation (incorporating the All England Egg Throwing Federation) is proud to recognise these games and looks forward to the rapid growth in its popularity under the leadership of Tandridge based branch President Alan Essex who said “This is a great opportunity for the people of Surrey and the surrounding area to show what they are made of. We recognise it’s a new sport to some but we will be training people all day to take part in the finals and a chance for glory and world fame”

World President Andy Dunlop said “This is an exciting time for Tandridge, Surrey, Greater London and indeed the rest of the UK. We look forward to seeing champions made and being sent to the World Championships in June next year to play for England against other world class athletes from Holland, Germany, Canada, the USA and many more.”

Notes for editors.
This event will be based upon the World Egg Throwing Federations rules for Two person Throw and Catch, as detailed in the Federation rules ( and in accordance with the Council of Europe’s European Sports Charter 1993:
All monies raised by the event are used to support local, national and international good causes.
No chickens will be hurt during the championships.
Gates open at 1.30pm
Events include Terrier Racing; Adults & Childrens races; Wheelbarrow races; Tug of War; Slippery pole fighting and the English National Open Egg Throwing Championships. This is divided into Ladies, Junior (under 16) and All-Comers. The longest successful throw will be declared England’s Champions and become holders of The Brown Cup for 1 year.

Further Information can be obtained from:
Tandridge and Surrey Egg Throwing Federation President Alan Essex
tel. 01883 722227
fax. 01883 723482
mob. 07811649210

The World Egg Throwing Federation is contactable via